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1930’s semi with Rising Damp in Manchester

24 Apr, 2023 | Damp Proofing Case Studies

Damp Solutions UK was invited to carry out a damp inspection on a Semi-Detached property in Manchester, by a couple who had discovered perished plaster and high levels of Hygroscopic salts on a couple of walls in their lounge. The homeowner was in the process of redecorating, so had to resolve the rising damp issues before any other works could be done.

This Semi-detached property in Manchester was built around the 1930s of which time a Bitumen damp proof course was commonly used. This regularly used damp proof course of the period, becomes brittle over time, allowing the passing of ground moisture into the internal walls of the property and thus destroying decor and perishing plaster.

Dale, who is one of our specialist damp and timber surveyors, attended the property and carried out an immediate and FREE inspection of the 1930’s property. Once complete, he was able to then discuss the cause and damp treatment solutions accurately with the client, instantly putting them at ease, knowing we could resolve all rising damp issues.

After leaving the property later that day, Dale set about preparing a quotation of works, which was sent to the client the very next day. This was was swiftly accepted, allowing us to prepare a schedule of works promptly and begin remedial works.

On completion of our damp treatment solutions for this 1930’s semi-detached property in Manchester, our client was very happy with the service Damp Solutions UK provided for them and left us the following feedback on Google.

“Excellent work from start to finish. The whole process, from free survey, quotation, appointment and the actual work, professionally conducted. The quotation, with drawings showing the details of the work, was given to me the next day after the survey.


Dale explained clearly to me the extent, affected areas, and causes of all rising damp issues in my house. The price is competitive and fair. They pay attention to every detail and clean up to a very good standard, for messy indoor work like this. They treated additional areas with rising damp discovered during the work without additional charges too. They cleaned up the work area every day after work, including my driveway.


Highly recommended and your damp problems are in good hands!”


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If your property is suffering from mould or condensation, contact Damp Solutions UK today for a free property survey and get the expert advice you can depend upon.