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Hygroscopic Salts found on Damp Walls

28 Mar, 2023 | Damp Proofing Case Studies

On a recent damp inspection of a property in Manchester we could clearly see tide marks, flaky paint and Hygroscopic salts along the lower sections of the walls, this was accompanied by rotten skirting boards. After discovering the root cause of the damp issues our damp proofing specialist set about a plan to solve the issue.

On this occasion high Ground level and faulty guttering allowed rainwater to gather along the foot of the walls and splash back over the original damp proof course when rain fell.

What are hygroscopic salts or salt damp?


The salts which cause the dampness problem are chloride and nitrate salts of sodium and sometimes, calcium. These salts are hygroscopic (or in some cases, deliquescent) and because of this, they are seldom visible. The dampness, due to their presence, becomes apparent when the humidity in the building is high.

Recommendations to repair the gutters and lower the ground level was made and internal remedial works was resolved a few weeks later by our experienced damp proofing operatives. The house is now safe and void of damp.

At Damp Solutions UK, we pride ourselves on being one of Manchester and Sheffield’s leading damp proofing specialist offering services such as damp and timber surveys for clients looking to purchase a new property, helping clients tackle existing mould and condensation issues by improving their ventilation, to eradicating rising damp issues.

With offices in Manchester, Sheffield and Glossop our team of experts are always ready to answer your questions and book you in for a property visit to discuss your needs.


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Words that matter to us

If your property is suffering from mould or condensation, contact Damp Solutions UK today for a free property survey and get the expert advice you can depend upon.